hello admin!administrator wrote:Hello
UPnP is a feature to auto-forward your torrent port. It makes possible for other users to connect to your ip directly. This feature can speed up uploading/downloading, but also can make your torrent application "hackable". If someone knows how to hack your torrent client, then he can just connect and do his job.also, should i keep UPnP and DHT enabled in Deluge?
DHT is an alternative source of peers. I notice that trackers with DHT support is a bit faster and have more seeds (imho).
yes, you are correct. after writing my last post, i checked a few articles about UPnP and DHT, and they explained the same thing. i then turned them ON in deluge.
however, i may be now uninstalling deluge, and may start using the BT-client that you're using - Vuze. that is because, although deluge is a breeze to install, set-up, and use, it is giving problems in seeding after download. moreover, one of the trackers that i download from doesn't seem to actively support deluge.
i have installed Vuze now. just reading how to use it as a daemon, and use a webUI for it. will then start trying it.
anyway, i have a few doubts about usage of TRK; please help me understand:-
1. please tell me if this syntax is correct:
Code: Select all
java -jar TorrentRatioKeeperMonster.jar -ui:0 -active:1 -upinc:50 -downdec:0 -port:3012
2. can i not select tracker randomly? that is, in the GUI version of TRK, i can select-deselect whatever tracker i want to activate/deactivate TRK for. in this java version, how should i be doing it, if that is possible? i think using parameter as -active:1 selects/activates TRK for ALL the trackers, which i don't want happening.
3. instead of using the whole command/syntax as above, can i not simply do this - run TRK Windows GUI once for my preferred tracker. then, copy the settings.xml and rules.xml files generated on the PC, to my remote server box, and then simply run the TRK command with bare-minimum parameters, like:
Code: Select all
java -jar TorrentRatioKeeperMonster.jar -ui:0 -active:1